Warner Bros. didn't call IT or Dune 'Part One' and no one minded, despite recognizing they were based on only the first halves of their respective source material.

Paramount called Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning 'Part One' and ... it didn't help matters.

There is absolutely no reason for Universal to call Wicked 'Part One.'

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If any of y’all need to hop on the Underground Railroad to Canada, you’re always welcome here…. For now… unless we elect Pierre in a year, the Canadian Trump (I doubt it happens since the Wasp Canadian conservatives will never elect a French guy).

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Why does everyone think gladiator 2 is going to do well? Who cares?? lol. And it’s not like Ridley has mad anything great recently…

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Not to judge anyone's body type but when Chalamat struck the fighting pose in Dune 2 and the skin tight leather he was wearing still sagged around his butt, I thought it was time for him to eat a sandwich.

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