Wish was not kneecapped by D+. It was released Thanksgiving weekend 2023 and didn't arrive on D+ until April 4 2024.

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Well since this is a safe space, I’m going to have to go ahead and be real: I’m not surprised Dune 84 made close to Dune 1 domestically adjusted for inflation because, I actually think Lynch did a better job capturing the feel and atmosphere of Dune overall than Denis. “It’s super weird and off putting” the critics say. Uh yeah, that’s Dune everyone. Denis was too literal. The drinking of the water of life sequence should have been a 20 min stargate sequence set to Pink Floyd’s echoes. After Dune part 2 I had to go to my fav Prinicipal Skinner quote/stock response for a middling adaptation. “Oh, a little sterile.. no real insight.”

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Ha! I don't love DUNE 2021 and I don't hate DUNE 1984. I still argue that a big reason wh DUNE 2021 worked is that 25 years of deep-dive fantasy storytelling/political melodrama (Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, Aquaman, the Star Wars prequels, etc.) have made DUNE much easier to understand and accept at face value for the mainstream consumers now versus the early 1980s.

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