As a self-styled Horror expert (people have paid me to write about it) and an atheist raised-Catholic, I’ll have to go a wee un-pc and state the obvious: for an exorcism horror to hit worldwide, you need to flog the Catholic angle hard, e.g the Pope’s Exorcist and the Conjurverse. Immaculate and The First Omen split the market for it instead of waiting a few months in between. It’s also why the new Presbyterian, multi faith Exorcist failed at the box office. The audience for this shitz is majority Catholic. They want the robes, the chants, and all that hey hey. (Don’t want to generalize too much but we’ll see how Mike “Raised Catholic” Flanagan’s Exorcist film does comparatively).

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Ooooh... I might have to quote you on the next episode, because that makes even more *specific* sense beyond just "Hey, maybe Immaculate and First Omen shouldn't have opened side by side."

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Feel free. When I was writing listicles your box office articles informed my analysis so it’s all gravy. Of course post box office tracking doesn’t break down denominations but I suspect in general my theory holds.

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Epic title! Excelsior!

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Thank you... thank you very much.

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