Of course if Cavil is Bond, then only one person could direct him: Zack Snyder.

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We’ve really got to stop tolerating bigotry. Cancel the Harry Potter show.

Curse the man that thought up free speech absolutism. Curse you John Stuart Mill. I read On Liberty again a couple years back and when I came to the “all speech might have a silver lining” part it struck me as a young toddlers understanding of human nature. Spoken like an affluent white guy in the British Empire.

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Also insert my standard ‘Captain America as a concept was a fraud and heralded the eventual demise of American democracy by its championing of fascist imperialism,” here. I shall leave it until Canadians inevitably occupy America to save it in operation “American Freedom.”

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Goddamn Ozgood is a total stud. He might pull a triple in the span of 14 months and he’s been working for years. Keep plugging away at your dreams kids!

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I think it is Jeremy who said that he wonders if audiences are going to be interested in the Harry Potter TV show itself versus just being curious to see if they include stuff from the books that weren't in the movies. Speaking anecdotally, I firmly believe it will be the later. My father and brother read the books together a few years back and ever since then, they have been CLAMORING for a TV show so that the books can be "properly" adapted without cutting out any parts of the books at all.

My family is a generally good barometer for general audience tastes, and the consensus seems that interest in the TV show will boil down to getting the story "right" more so that being excited to experience the story again.

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Considering that with most current big-budget streaming shows it takes two years per season, that means it will take 14 years to properly and completely re-adapt all of the books for full-length seasons of the same story that’s already been told, so I don’t know if this show will make it past the first season. Maybe they should just have Harry defeat Voldemort at the end of the first season and end it there? I still think a better idea would be a show that takes place after the Fantastic Beasts movies and before the Harry Potter films, in that same universe with new characters without remaking any of the existing films. Though of course the obvious best idea would be trying to get Radcliffe, Watson, and Grint back for a Force Awakens-style adaptation of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, even if they have to be paid insane amounts of money and have Rowling apologize to them if necessary.

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